Our Ministries
At Robinson-Morris there is a ministry for every member of the family. Dedicated involvement in our ministries ensures spiritual growth and support from parishioners.

Usher Board
With warm hearts, ushers welcome parishioners into the sanctuary. They politely assist in maintaining order during worship service.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir strives in making hearts more receptive to the Lord, glorifying Him through the medium of fine, worshipful music and to attain a position of spiritual, social growth and moral leadership. The choir seeks to serve God in a more excellent way; singing praises unto God and to continue ministering to the congregation in hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs.

Women's Missionary Society
The Women's Missionary Society seeks to:
Educate missionaries to be more effective in mission ministry.
Equip missionaries to be greater leaders for mission service.
Enrich and Inspire missionaries to be greatly involved in the community, which develops people and generate resources.
Recruit younger missionaries to join the Women's Missionary Society (ages 26-40).
Teach, Train, and Motivate youth ministry members (YPD'ers) in mission service.
Young People's Department (YPD)
Mission Statement:
To achieve a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviour in young people.
To use creative innovative methods to excite, inspire, captivate and ignite young people in the things of God and to enable them to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for Him.

Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry seeks to impact the lives of men by sharing the Gospel and leading men to Christ. Men grow deeper in Christ as they read and study the Bible regularly. Older men in the ministry serve as positive role models and mentors to the younger men in the church and community.
Dance/Mime Ministry
Dancers are taught to minister through praise dance and mime.

Children's Ministry
Children learn about God's love and how to apply Christian principles to daily living.
Couples' Ministry
Our goal is to enhance the marriage relationship through the Word; thus building stronger and more positive families in the body of Christ.
This goal will be realized through:
Socials (Valentine’s Day / Couple’s Day / Family Day)
Rap Sessions - “Just for Him” & “Just for Her”
Prayer & Fasting
Family Sessions:
a. Positive Parenting
b. Money Management
c. The Love Shack
d. The Empty Nest Syndrome
e. Handling Conflicts in the Family
f. Forgiveness “Let It Go”

Evangelism & Church Growth Ministry
The evangelism team facilitates door-to-door visits, hospital visits, street services, prison visits, and the distribution of free breakfast.